Online marketing is changing as younger generations are growing up into young adults. This generation, known as Generation Z, is now of age to make purchases and enter into the workforce. Generation Z has a whole new outlook on life, and what used to be top game for online marketing is now not cutting it.
However, you can rest assured that by changing a few things here and there in your online marketing approach, your business can rise above the competition.
Engagement with Generation Z
Gen Z likes to be engaged, however, they tend to grow bored rather easily. Not surprising since on average, they use 3 screens daily, often switching between tablets, TVs, computer screens, and their phones.
One of the best ways to engage younger people is to put share buttons on everything you post. One thing we must realize about Gen Z is that they use many different platforms, from Facebook to Pinterest to Instagram. And they like to share content on their terms. This means in the easiest way possible. When buttons are available, they can simply click on them. Which in turn means this generation is more likely to share something they are interested in.
One key thing to think about is how Generation Z heavily weighs their options. They most likely will not make a rash purchase. They like to really consider all the positives and negatives of a product before committing to buy it. This is where polls, reviews, and other types of interaction can come in handy when determining the best online marketing to use.
Look to Where Generation Z is on Social Media
Many times we often believe that what is popular for older adults in terms of social media is popular for Generation Z. This could not be further from the truth. Gen Z tends to be on less known social media platforms. Popular sites for younger people include SnapChat, Instagram, and LinkedIn. While many older generations would not look twice at these sites, it could be in your best interest to give them a second glance, utilizing them for your online marketing.
Generation Z and Youtube go hand in hand. This is the preferred social media channel for this generation, as this is what they grew up on.
Make Use of Visuals
With attention spans diminishing, marketers need to make the most of visuals. It is no wonder attention spans are at an all-time low, with Generation Z weighing in at only 8 seconds. We live in a busy world where it is hard to concentrate on one thing before getting bored or tired of it. Visuals are a great way to make your content stand out. Consider adding memes or GIFS to jazz up your online marketing. Emojis are very popular right now, and Gen Z is right up there using these. Using the same type of visuals will draw this age in, with a higher chance of making them more comfortable with your brand.
Get Friendly
Generation Z likes to make purchases from brands and companies that feel like old pals to them. They much prefer brands that are authentic, and really crave those that have a personal message. Gen Z is all about being trendy, but want a brand that has a consistent voice in the marketing world.
In conclusion, Generation Z can best be summed up as knowing exactly what they want. They are not afraid to treat brands like old buddies. They prefer visuals over lots of content, but will always do their research before purchasing any product. They do not need to be on the most popular social media platform, as they are fine with connecting to individuals of their own age on less known sites. They tend to only share content if it is easy for them to do so with the touch of a button. However, online marketing can be easily transformed just by making a few simple changes in order to accommodate this generation. If you need assistance, get in touch with Alphabet Marketing today.
Picture Credit: pngtree